Making a Concrete
Difference in the World


We're Back!

We have scheduled our first trip since COVID to take place

Details as follows:

  • Location: La Guama, DR

  • Accommodations: Church/Community Centre

  • Date: October 22 - 29, 2022

  • Trip Fee: $1,050 US, obligation for Team Fundraising: $9,000 per house 

    The fundraising amount is due 45 days prior to the trip date.

Trip participants will fly into Santo Domingo.

Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming trip!

Who We Are

Building Communities Together (BCT) formerly known as BTCC

We changed our name in 2021 but our mission remains the same!

Building Communities Together (BCT) formally known as (BTCC) is a non-profit organization that is focused on improving the lives of families in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic in a genuine, long-lasting way. Many members living in the rural communities of these countries live in extreme poverty.

In partnership with residents and local leaders, we develop a comprehensive five-year plan in each community, focusing on housing, water and sanitation, education and overall economic development.


Our Misson

We are passionate about making a positive, sustainable impact to improve the living conditions of some of the poorest families in the world.

What a difference a safe, solid house can make. For many families in the areas where we work, such a house is only a dream. Reality is a house cobbled together with scrap lumber, rusted metal, and plastic sheeting. Reality is a house with a leaky roof and a dirt floor – a breeding ground for chronic health problems. Reality is doors and windows that cannot lock or even close, that can’t keep out the weather or keep the family safe from intruders. Join us and you too can make a difference in just one week!


Types of Trips

Our volunteer experience is truly unique - it will challenge you, surprise you, inspire you, and change you!

The majority of our groups our comprised of members of a connected business community, though we gladly welcome singles, couples, or small groups to become part of our incredible volunteer experience. Our parent & teen trips present a remarkable opportunity for a family bonding experience and have made a significant impact on the lives of many young adults. Many of our past participants have looked to our trips as a vacation with meaning. They enjoy the beautiful scenery and temperate climate while working side by side with the recipient family.  Trip participants return home with immense satisfaction knowing that they made a concrete difference in someone’s life.


“ That one week has changed my life forever ”

Kayla  |  january 2015


Our Story

Despite our modest beginnings, our relationship with the people of Nicaragua flourished and by April of 2018, we had successfully built 235 houses, over 100 latrines and 3 school buildings, and our future in the Jinotega district appeared to be long and rewarding. 

It was not to be! In late April 2018, the frustration of the people with their government boiled over and there were spontaneous protests throughout the country. For us, this meant the conditions were not safe for volunteers to travel to Nicaragua and we regretfully suspended our housebuilding trips. 

Fortunately, our US partner at the time, Bridges to Community had established a base several years prior in the Dominican Republic. Late in 2018, we began to redirect our fundraising and volunteer trips to the Dominican Republic. After several volunteer trips and the start of the construction of a school in the community of La Guama, the pandemic struck, and since then our trips have been stalled indefinitely.

Additionally, as of June 2020, our organization is now independent of our US counterpart (BTC US) and we have changed our name to:

Building Communities Together Inc. (BCT)

Although our name has changed, our mission has not!

Our goal is to return to Nicaragua one day, but not until it is safe to do so! For the time being, we must see a significant improvement in the political and pandemic situation. When it’s time, the first trip will be a reconnaissance team of BCT Board members! Stay tuned for more information about the mission to return to Nicaragua!

With your support, we will continue to Make a Concrete Difference in the World!


Ready to help?


