Beyond Making a Charitable Donation


About Us

Despite our modest beginnings, our relationship with the people of Nicaragua flourished and by April of 2018, we had successfully built 235 houses, over 100 latrines and 3 school buildings, and our future in the Jinotega district appeared to be long and rewarding. 

It was not to be! In late April 2018, the frustration of the people with their government boiled over and there were spontaneous protests throughout the country. For us, this meant the conditions were not safe for volunteers to travel to Nicaragua and we regretfully suspended our housebuilding trips. 

Fortunately, our US partner at the time, Bridges to Community had established a base several years prior in the Dominican Republic. Late in 2018, we began to redirect our fundraising and volunteer trips to the Dominican Republic. After several volunteer trips and the start of the construction of a school in the community of La Guama, the pandemic struck, and since then our trips have been stalled indefinitely.

Additionally, as of June 2020, our organization is now independent of our US counterpart (BTC US) and we have changed our name to:

Building Communities Together Inc. (BCT)

Although our name has changed, our mission has not!

Rick Bauman

Rick Bauman

Cathy Zamboni and Sadie Bauman with little girls in El Sasle, Nicaragua January 2014

Cathy Zamboni and Sadie Bauman with little girls in El Sasle, Nicaragua January 2014

Our goal is to return to Nicaragua one day, but not until it is safe to do so! For the time being, we must see a significant improvement in the political and pandemic situation. When it’s time, the first trip will be a reconnaissance team of BCT Board members! Stay tuned for more information about the mission to return to Nicaragua!

With your support, we will continue to Make a Concrete Difference in the World!


Building Communities, Changing Lives


What We Do

BCT works closely with community leaders to help mitigate poverty in four distinct but overlapping program areas: HOUSING, WATER & SANITATION, EDUCATION, and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.

“During the four days, we dined on authentic Nicaraguan cuisine, laughed with the locals, built houses, and explored the beautiful country. Though the building process was physically straining, the amount of gratitude and happiness that we received outweighed our hardships. I was genuinely amazed at the families’ humbleness. Despite having so little, they can appreciate what they have, while still enjoying life.” - Emily, Parent & Child Trip, August 2017


Our Work



The moment you arrive at your job site you immediately realize that you will make a difference in the family’s life. The family will show you their existing house and living conditions. Despite all the photos you might have seen, when you experience these conditions firsthand it can be overwhelming. The abject poverty is shocking!  The homes have dirt floors and chimneyless wood fired cooking that results in the inherent smoke inside the dwelling. Combined with the lack of basic necessities such as beds and furniture gives you a sense of how desperate the situation is. Yet, despite these conditions the families you will meet are happy to see you and welcome you into their homes. They know from seeing the impact Bridges has had on their neighbours that they too will soon be living in a home with tiled floors and a proper roof to keep the rain and mud out. They know that soon their children will be in a much safer environment and that their lives will be enhanced by your presence. In one short week you will create memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

Family house before

Family house before

Work in progress

Work in progress

New family house

New family house


Water & Sanitation


Each day you take a drink of water from a tap or flush a toilet you take for granted basic amenities that many in the world do not have. Arriving in rural communities in the DR & Nicaragua you will see people washing their clothes in each river that you pass. You will notice when you visit a home that an outhouse is as good as it gets for a bathroom. And inside the house you will notice the black soot covered walls caused by open fire cooking in an enclosed space. You soon realize that your role in constructing a latrine, smokeless stove or bio digester toilet will make a significant difference in both sanitation and in the health of the family.




A lack of transportation and government funding means getting an education is difficult in rural Nicaragua. Even when the children arrive at school, crowded conditions make it very difficult to learn, and studying at home is next to impossible with nowhere to sit down due to a lack of furniture and space. New classrooms make a difference in each child`s life by giving them an opportunity to study at a desk in a safe dry environment. The school also becomes a focal point of the community, giving the local people a place to gather when the school is not in use for educational purposes.

Education is a critical element in raising the standard of living in any country. In Nicaragua early education is critical because many of the older people are illiterate and depend on the younger generations to help. Young children often drop out of school to find work to help support the family. Better school facilities make a difference in providing a place for these older children to continue their education outside of work hours and on weekends


Economic Development

Partnering with the local community in development of economic sustainability helps make a difference in the rural communities of the DR and Nicaragua. Instead of simply giving money, Bridges works with local entrepreneurs and community leaders to create opportunities for employment ensuring that benefits derived are invested back into the local community.

Many projects considered require a level of investment and expertise currently unavailable in the community. Funds generated through the repayment of the loans the families take to build their new homes are invested in these new ventures. In addition Bridges provides advice and guidance on which investments to make that have potential sustainability.



The People Who Make it all Happen

Our Board of Directors

RICK BAUMANFounder & Chairman, Bridges to Community Canada  Founder and President, Intellectual Capital Coaching Corporation Inc.On his first trip to Nicaragua in 2005, Rick was shocked to see how 80% of the world’s people live and resolved to m…


Founder & Chairman, Bridges to Community Canada
Founder and President, Intellectual Capital Coaching Corporation Inc.

On his first trip to Nicaragua in 2005, Rick was shocked to see how 80% of the world’s people live and resolved to make a difference. This resolve led to the founding of Bridges to Community Canada, where he now serves as Chair of the Board. linkedin

SADIE BAUMANPartner & Coach, Intellectual Capital Coaching Corporation Inc.Sadie first got involved with BTCC in 2006. She was shocked by the extreme poverty she saw. This turned out to be a life changing event, where Sadie gained great passion …


Partner & Coach, Intellectual Capital Coaching Corporation Inc.

Sadie first got involved with BTCC in 2006. She was shocked by the extreme poverty she saw. This turned out to be a life changing event, where Sadie gained great passion around sharing her story with as many people who would listen! Her goal is to spread the word, and encourage others to get involved in this remarkable service learning experience!

BOB TISDALEPresident and COO Pembridge insurance Company Pafco Insurance CompanyBridges appealed to Bob because of the difference you can make in one short week of volunteering. In Nicaragua there is not the safety net you see in more developed nati…


President and COO Pembridge insurance Company
Pafco Insurance Company

Bridges appealed to Bob because of the difference you can make in one short week of volunteering. In Nicaragua there is not the safety net you see in more developed nations. In helping you work right with the families and get to experience what their lives are like. You see how you can help them make a substantial improvement in their living conditions, sanitary conditions and schooling. linkedin

STEPHEN SAVAGEExecutive Vice President, Cypher Systems GroupStephen was a member of the first Canadian Bridges trip in January of 2006. He has been an active member of the Board since its inception and annually leads a group of 12-15 volunteers from…


Executive Vice President, Cypher Systems Group

Stephen was a member of the first Canadian Bridges trip in January of 2006. He has been an active member of the Board since its inception and annually leads a group of 12-15 volunteers from Cypher Systems Group to experience Nicaragua from a Bridge’s perspective. In Central America, “granito de arena” means each person must contribute their grain of sand, in order to bring about meaningful transformation. linkedin

Maya Hari


Manager – Professional Liability at Intact Insurance

Maya attended her first trip to La Guama, Dominican Republic in 2019. She was immediately drawn to the people and culture, and the overall mission of BCT which focuses on investing in local communities and talent to further infrastructure projects and improve access to resources. She is looking forward to future trips and assisting in helping communities drive positive change.

Jason Foroglou


Director, Ivantage Insurance Brokers Inc. (Canada)

Jason was introduced to Bridges through BTCC Board Member Bob Tisdale. For several years he followed the various projects that were completed in Nicaragua by Bob and fellow Allstate Canada Group employees. Prior to his Insurance career, Jason built large custom homes in Toronto and Montreal, and actively volunteered with other Canadian charitable organizations. Until finally in 2018, Jason decided to book his first Bridges trip to La Guama, DR. Jason’s personal purpose in life is to “Help Happiness Happen”. BTCC is a conduit for the fulfillment of this purpose at a global community scale. What better way to make a difference in the world than to build a house in a poverty-stricken community for a deserving family to call home.

JENNIE MOUCHOSFCPA, Corporate DirectorJennie is committed to giving back both to the industry and communities. She was drawn to BTCC by the very simplicity of its mission in Nicaragua, and the commitment of its founders and supporters. “The opportun…


FCPA, Corporate Director

Jennie is committed to giving back both to the industry and communities. She was drawn to BTCC by the very simplicity of its mission in Nicaragua, and the commitment of its founders and supporters. “The opportunity to assist in the actual building of the homes for which funds have been raised is very compelling.” “You can see an immediate difference working side by side with the local people and providing such a basic need as a roof over one’s head.”

JIM BALLPresident, Reliance Insurance GroupAmong the many charities, he supports through Reliance is Bridges to Community Canada. He is a founding Bridges board member, an organization focused on addressing poverty in Nicaragua, the second poorest c…


President, Reliance Insurance Group

Among the many charities, he supports through Reliance is Bridges to Community Canada. He is a founding Bridges board member, an organization focused on addressing poverty in Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the hemisphere. Over the last 10 years the group has raised just over $2,000,000, built 216 houses, two schools, one library and numerous latrines and biodigesters. Come and join Jim on his next house building trip to Nicaragua. It changes lives
linkedin profile

CHRIS BALLCEO and Risk Manager, Reliance Insurance GroupChris chose to get involved with BTCC to fulfill his need to give back to the global community in some way... to somehow make a meaningful difference in changing just one person’s life somewher…


CEO and Risk Manager, Reliance Insurance Group

Chris chose to get involved with BTCC to fulfill his need to give back to the global community in some way... to somehow make a meaningful difference in changing just one person’s life somewhere else in the world, and making a meaningful connection to that experience so that he too changed because of it. What he has come away with is beyond words… a shared experience with others walking the same path and an adventure in giving back that has enabled him to better appreciate his own life.

Gillian Van Kempen


President & COO, Best Buy Insurance Brokers Inc.

Gillian was introduced to Bridges through BCT Board Member Bob Tisdale. Passionate about volunteering she joined her first build with the team from Pembridge in La Guama, Dominican Republic in March 2019. The experience was incredibly hard work, very humbling, and unbelievably rewarding. Gillian was moved by how, in a few short days, she could contribute to changing the lives of a family in need. She continues her charitable efforts by volunteering for a number of local groups in Toronto and looks forward to the opportunity to resume builds wherever BCT deems the need is most dire.

LOREN GARDINERVice President, Specialty Solutions, Western Division Intact Insurance CompanyLoren attended her first trip to Nicaragua in 2017, and has since led a trip to the Dominican Republic in 2018. The experience of her first trip changed her …


Vice President, Specialty Solutions, Western Division Intact Insurance Company

Loren attended her first trip to Nicaragua in 2017, and has since led a trip to the Dominican Republic in 2018. The experience of her first trip changed her and encouraged her to be involved on an ongoing basis. Her cumulative career in the insurance industry has powered her drive to provide for global communities, her local community, as well as the insurance industry.


With Many Thanks to

Our partners